Wednesday, September 20, 2006

PhraseWorthy People

Some call it a slogan. Many say it's a motto. A few refer to it as a tag line. Others, sophisticates I presume, name it a vision statement. By any name, the phrase, Sharin' Plenty Good News! - intends to capture our minds and hearts and focus the energies of the people God calls, gathers, and equips in this place to be and to do church.

In my faith walk, the phrase both shows what I believe and keeps my feet moving toward where the God who speaks to my head and my heart leads me. That's clearest to me when I find myself wondering if I'm holding back, clinging to "not enough," or disappointing someone by not meeting their needs.

In my head I never want to think of myself as a hoarder. My heart recoils from distrusting that God provides all we need. And both my hands and feet flinch when my halting voice speaks the word "No," to someone who's expressed a need. Just about the time I'm ready to despair, God finds a way to remind me that this awesome phrase doesn't belong to me. Rather, these words - Sharin' Plenty Good News! - are but one way to speak of God's gift to us, and to express God's claim on us.

Us! This odd, haphazard collection of uniquely gifted, sometimes feint-hearted, mostly generous, frequently uninterested, usually caring, occasionally indifferent, generally warm, welcoming and forgiving children of God! Somehow, despite our flaws, foibles, and tendencies toward missing the mark (sin), much of what goes on here is newsworthy.

Folks commit themselves and their babies to receive God’s transforming promises, in Baptism. Everyone finds an equally awesome place at a Table where gnawing hunger is sated by a wafer of bread, and burning thirst is quenched with a sip of wine. Couples covenant themselves to each other in marriage. Tearfully, loved ones claim resurrection in Jesus' name, at the feet of their dead. We teach children what we know about whom and how God is FOR us. Alone and together we praise God, each week, for all that's happened. Even before God has a chance to act, we say, "Thanks, in advance," for all God will do in us and through us in the week ahead.

In suffering and joyfulness we struggle to hear a new word from God and interpret familiar words in new ways. We pray here, in loud song and in unheard non-verbals, that we might name and claim the fruits of God's forgiving love for us, and for this broken world.

In, with, and under one name, Jesus, we cross the boundaries of selfishness, scarcity, and staleness - bold to keep on Shairn’ Plenty Good News!

Pastor Jeff Iacobazzi

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