Tuesday, December 05, 2006

It Runs in the Family

Mario Cuomo -there was an Italian politician to admire - always seemed more excited about the accomplishments of his second son than he was by the lack of achievement of his first-born son. When asked to explain the difference between his boys' success, Governor Cuomo is reported to have said, "Sons are like pancakes. Sometimes the second one turns out better than the first."

My guess is that the extended families of both Jesus and John the Baptist might have shared the same assessment. Both these "first-born" boys had lots going for them. Zechariah, John's father, had a rather cushy job at the Jerusalem Temple. Joseph, charged with the upbringing of Jesus, is said to have been a skilled craftsman. No doubt both "dads" had high expectations for what was to come. And, as far as we know, there were no second pancakes on either one's horizon.

We read about both of these boys-to-men during the season of Advent. John gave a pass on the Temple gig. Jesus' own wander-lust moved him well beyond the confines of Joseph's retail operation. As for what became of their "hoped for" futures, it depends upon who you ask. A noted theologian and story-teller, John Shea, has this to say about the teachings both John and Jesus passed on to any and all listeners:

What they said about sharing goods, services and money was economically naive. Their ideas about nurturing relationships between family members, friends, strangers and even the government, was culturally inappropriate. The ways they stood before the God of their ancestors appeared to be religiously insufficient.

My guess is much of the world, even the so-called Christian world, might make the same judgment. "If someone asks for your coat, give him your shirt as well." "Whatever you do to the least of these you do to me." "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven."

The Advent good news here is that we get to be the second pancakes! Jesus said that if we believed in him we would do even greater works than he did. I simply can't wait to see what this loving ONE dreams up for the family of God next.

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