Friday, September 22, 2006

Give God Some Elbow Room

Some of us spend a great deal of time marveling at a wondrous, far-off God. That's the God who shows up in: sunrises on the beach; new-born babies; rainbows; mountain snow peaks; and, autumn's bright hued leaves. Others of us spend a good bit of time fleeing from the God who scares the blazes out of us with tornadoes; tsunamis; hurricanes; blizzards; and frightening diagnoses.

What do you suppose God has to do to get our attention in our everyday-ness? If you think about it, the God who's promised to be with us - in Jesus - until the end of the age, had to have yesterday - TODAY - and tomorrow in mind when the promise was made!

Perhaps you missed God yesterday, and though you may hope to notice God more keenly tomorrow, tomorrow isn't here yet. So, while tomorrow is certainly God's, it's not quite yet ours. All we have is today. ALL we have is today. Need we more?

God could elbow a way into your life through a telephone call, an e-mail, a chance encounter at school or work, on a blog-site - even in your home. God can do anything, likely quite easily, except, it seems, changing our minds about where God is, increasing our awareness of God’s presence, and deepening our trust in God's promises.

I'm don’t doubt God's ability to change hearts and minds. I am pointing out how sharp God's elbows feel when God finds it necessarily graceful to rearrange my heart and my mind! Is it the same or different for you?

Looking for God, expecting God to show up day-by-day seems to be a more dignified and human enterprise than does waiting around all day in hopes of being wowed by an orange western sky, or spending an afternoon trying to outrun a storm. Trouble is, for too many of us, the echoes of biblical phrases like, “God's ways are not our ways,” block our ears from hearing and our eyes from seeing the new approaches a close-by God might make, just for us. So we lull ourselves into forgetting the promise that "until the end of the age," if it includes any day, captures this day, this hour, this minute, this moment in time. We’ll look for God “later;” maybe “over there.”

God's heart's desire is to be in relationship with each of us - now. That means we get to look for, and be surprised by God. The kind of God who is content to uncross loving, formerly nailed-up, arms and stick an elbow into our forgetful hearts, using the most close-up, ordinary people as well as close-by, ordinary circumstances to make it so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This book is freely available through Family Radio:

The book examines these serious questions:
• Is it true that we are now in the time of the Great Tribulation?
• Is it true that the age of the institutional church has come to an end?
• Is it true that God commands the true believers in Christ as their Saviour to immediately depart from their churches?
• Is it true that God is no longer using churches to evangelize the world?
• Is it true that the task of world evangelization has now been assigned by God to individuals working alone or collectively together in such ministries is Family Radio?
• Is it true that without exception presently all local churches througout the world are under the judgment of God?
• Is it true that God no longer is saving by means of the local church?
• Is it true that Satan is ruling in every local church throughout the world?
• Is it true that the judgment that is now on every local church will transition into the final judgment at the end of the world?
• Is it true that all the way to Christ’s return God will be adding to the eternal church those who truly become saved?