Friday, April 06, 2007

Why Do We Call it Good Friday?

One of the biggest struggles I have in carrying out this pastoral role is dealing with beggars at the door. Someone who we’ve helped in the past came to the door yesterday. Just hearing the bell I knew it was a beggar. I even said that to the copier repair technician who was here at the time.

When I got to the door, the man said, “Can you give me $5, Reverend, I’m hungry?” “No,” I said, “can’t do it.” “But it’s your job to help.” “You want help,” I asked? “Okay, what’s your story?” “Whaddya mean,” he glared. I shot back, “Well, I’m guessin’ your mama didn’t birth no loser, so how’d you turn from that beautiful, proud boy into a loser?” Without pausing he said, “Well, I didn’t get into the NBA cuz I dropped outa school. Then I got shot here in my chest, see (he opened his shirt revealing a long scar). Then here in my head and I ain’t been right since, see,” (he took off his ball cap and pointed to a crescent suture line arching across his temple).

I wonder what it will take for me to see the truth. We’re all hungry; no, starving. We’ve all dropped out; each of us has lost a dream; and none of us, by ourselves, is right in the heart or in the head.

The One who we remember this day, the one whose blood and water flowed from his head and his heart, all down the cross is the same One who said things like:
• God sent the Son to save the world, not condemn it
• When you eat this bread, you’ll never be hungry again
• I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly
• If you drink from the waters I bring, you’ll never thirst
• No greater love exists than for someone to lay down life for another.

By grace, we stake our life, and bank our future on the One who took those words not only to heart, but to a heart pierced for us - while we were still losers. Before we even knew we were beggars at the door we are fed, watered, nourished, strengthened, by grace, and because of Jesus and his cross we belong to this loving God.

When we can trust grace, every day ending in “y,” especially toda“y” is a GOOD day!

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